Saturday, 7 November 2015

First Post! (And the only one for the time being I think ha)

Ok, this was something the husband and I had been twirling about in our heads.

At least well, that happened a week or two back.

We love to make, well, our own props, accessories and stuffs. Sometimes, the husband says Imma crazy because I go to the length of studding and putting in alot of effort into the smallest of stuffs (can't help it, I'm an anal person into precision). I was at the point of suggesting that I should go into embroidery, just for his upcoming Emperor Lelouch cosplan because those patterns on the emperor, well, only embroidery with gold thread suit him best (to which Hubs had to kindly remind me that we were pressed for time for our upcoming Code Geass cosplays).

I know Taobao offers the option of prop-making too, but somehow, I don't know why, maybe it's a crafter's thing? I can't "feel" for the props and being a colour sensitive person, the colour balance actually looked off for most of them. And as a jewelry crafter for so many years too, most of the accessories could work a little more on their material and colour balance too.

So Hubs and I finally decided that we should open up commissioning, not only because we would like to offer an alternative for our cosplay friends out there, but as an avenue to advance our skills in prop and accessory making.

In any case, do drop us an email if you are keen and in advance, pleased to make your acquaintance too!